
On average, a human consumes and drinks respectively 2 to 3 kg of food and water a day.

We are increasingly focused on looking for the most “clean”, less toxic, of organic farming or water with optimal chemical-physical concentrations … but have we ever stopped to think how much air we breathe?

The 15,000 liters of air that enter our lungs what substances are composed?

3,000 of them are Oxygen and the remaining 12,000?

One of the latest findings of the EU Agency [1] for the environment on the quality of the air we breathe has shown that the Europe 3,9 million people are exposed to the main pollutants of the air : Pm10, nitrogen dioxide and ozone.
Proximately 95%, live in the North of our country.
Italy is in second place in Europe for deaths for Pm2.5 (60,600) and the first for deaths from nitrogen dioxide (20,500) and ozone (3,200).

Despite the slight improvements recorded in recent years air pollution continues to exceed the limits and guidelines of the European Union and the World Health Organization, and “still represents a danger to human health and the environment”.
Hans Bruyninckx, EEA Executive Director

Last but not least Report presented on 17 April 2018 by the World Health Organization . ( Click HERE for more details )

According to WHO experts in many parts of the world, air pollution levels remain dangerously high:
9 people out of 10 they breathe air containing high levels of pollutants and about 7 million people die every year a from exposure to polluted air.

The results of the study entitled State Of Global Air conducted by Health Effects Institute (HEI) in collaboration with the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) and the University of British Columbia the contents of the report are impressive:
more than 95% of the world’s population is breathing dangerous air and above levels deemed safe by the World Health Organization .

Over 300 diseases and causes of death were analyzed in 195 countries and 84 risk factors. The conclusions are that almost all of the global population breathes dangerous air for his health.

The research, which was inspired by data from the Global Burden of Disease IHME says that air pollution, or simply “breathing”, has become the fourth leading cause of death worldwide (after hypertension, nutrition and smoking).

The Diagnostic Center Baronia Srl and its partners of the ECO brand with which it shares principles and methods of practical exercises, that pursue the objectives of environmental and social sustainability:

Sustainability: “a process of change, in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investment, the orientation of technological development and institutional changes are in harmony and contribute to increasing the current and future possibilities of satisfying humanitarian needs and aspirations”

always acting with foresight in the field of the green economy that is developing and testing a new methodology of diffuse Bio – monitoring of air.

This experimentation was conceived in order to develop, with a view to green sustainability , a new ‘method’ of shared monitoring of the air resource with the possibility of giving the necessary conscience to the inhabitants / citizens / territorial administrators / economic operators and institutional, to pursue change and anticipate or avoid all the problems related to pollution of the resource.

The biomonitoring system rappresent a new tool but at the same time, disegn to an innovative technological communication device capable of activating the so-called shared social Responsibilities that will unite inevitably good environmental practices with sustainable development of the territories monitored leaning to harmonization human activities.

Our sensors are able to return the data in an irrefutable way and the digitization and communication systems that support and translate them, making the data understandable to everyone. This is because we believe that taking refuge in cervellotic and unintuitive solutions will only strengthens to ignore the lethal criticality of the phenomenon.

“If you really think that the environment is less important than the economy, try to hold your breath while you count your money”: as the biologist satirically reminds us of the biologist Guy McPherson air quality is essential for our life.

We are looking for supporters for this challenge because the win will be have with everyone's commitment. If you are interested in supporting us contact us.

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