BLUM: Bio Lubrificante Universale Motori

Project Description

The Project of R&S BLUM (Universal Bio Lubricants Motors), poses on the market a new universal lubricant product for features, engine size (kW) and type (syngas, biogas, bioliquids, etc…) and it will make possible a better environmental sustainability ( also with a substitution of environmentally critic phases of production, storage and transport of traditional mineral oils) increasing at the same time the efficiency of production of renewable energy from biomass thanks to its basic biological constitution and its additives composed by specific microparticles in order to reconstruct the specific initial features each cycle in the filter-reactor nominated FIEM-1 (filter with electromagnetic pulses).
It will give new knowledges about uses of materials as base and additives in the constitution of BLUM.
For the development of BLUM, they will use the most advanced knowledges in the field of nanotechnologies, using these materials features, so ensuring features of vegetable oil.
Moreover, this work will give new application possibilities of electric capacitors and asymmetric magnetic solenoids constituting this innovative device.
At the end, thanks to the elaboration of experimental data, company expects to create a software to manage the FIEM and control at the same time productive processes of mechanic energy and its care planning.
The importance of these innovations will enhance the biomass and renewable resources industry which need mechanic organisms to lubricate. In fact, now, at national and international level, there aren’t similar products or devices to those of the project.

Project Detail

Project BLUM

Program DM 1 GIUGNO 2016 “Grandi Progetti R&S – PON 2014/2020” – Agenda digitale o Industria Sostenibile

Ranking Industria Sostenibile

Field Industrial Biotechnology, Efficient and environmentally friendly Systems of high-performance production.


Project BLUM, designed for the measure “GREAT PROJECTS R & D – PON 2014/2020” – Digital Agenda – Sustainable Industry. “Sustainable Industry”.

Technology whose development is aimed at implementing high performance, efficient and environmentally friendly production systems. Application field: industrial processes and plants.